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林冠是生物圈中物种最丰富却最鲜为人知的生境之一。它在森林与大气的物质、能量交换过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。但因林冠调查技术的限制, 林冠及生存在其中的附生植物在生态系统中的功能尚未得到足够的重视。塔吊在三维空间中作业具有“全方位、高精度、非破坏、可重复”的特征。林冠塔吊已成为当前林冠学研究的标志, 并为林冠附生植物研究提供了契机。国际上, 欧美国家利用塔吊技术对林冠层附生植物多样性与空间分布等进行了大量的研究, 取得了丰硕的成果。该文介绍了塔吊的构造、林冠塔吊建设历史和站点分布及国际林冠研究组织等概况, 并对依托塔吊开展的附生植物研究进展进行了评述。此外, 还简要介绍了我国塔吊建设与林冠生态学发展情况。在系统分析国内外附生植物研究现状基础上, 从附生植物多样性、附生植物空间格局与维持机制、生态适应性、与林冠动物的关系以及附生植物对气候变化的响应等5个方面对今后基于林冠塔吊开展附生植物研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
对鸟类巢期的研究不仅可以丰富鸟类繁殖生物学资料,也可为理解和研究鸟类的生态适应与进化提供重要线索和依据。2013—2014年3月份至7月份,在若尔盖湿地保护区及周边对55对繁殖黑颈鹤的营巢时长进行了研究,调查结果显示:黑颈鹤的营巢时长在0.5—40 d之间,平均巢期为(6.7±9.3)d;在其营造的4种巢型中,巢期长短依次为:泥堆巢草堆巢草墩巢岛地巢,且差异性极显著(P0.001),巢期与巢型显著相关(r=0.728);在其营巢的3种巢址生境中,巢期长短依次为:湖泊生境沼泽生境河流生境,且差异性极显著(P0.001),巢期与巢址生境显著相关(r=0.315);从不同营巢月份看,巢期长短依次为:4月份巢5月份巢6月份巢,且差异性极显著(P0.01),巢期与筑巢月份显著相关(r=0.664);巢期与巢体积大小具有显著相关性(r=0.856),即营巢时间越长巢体积越大。黑颈鹤的营巢时间长短主要受营巢生境、月份和做巢类型的影响。  相似文献   
明确野生动植物的地理分布是基础生态学和应用生态学领域的一个基础但关键的步骤,为后续分析提供了重要的信息。而野生动植物分布调查是一项需要投入大量人力,精力和资金的工作,特别是稀有物种的调查。物种分布模型越来越受到广泛引用尤其是在生物保护方面。为了证明物种分布模型在野生生物调查中精确采样方法的可行性,以全球易危物种黑颈鹤和白头鹤的实际繁殖分布预测为例,使用随机森林(Random Forest)算法加以验证。比较发现物种分布模型预测实际调查分布点,随机样方法生成的随机点,系统样方法的规则点在空间相对出现概率具有显著差异(P0.001),实际分布点具有较高的相对出现概率。该结果表明若在物种分布相对出现概率较高区域设置样方能够减少实际调查区域,有效提高发现目标物种的概率,从而减少调查投入。基于物种分布模型的精确采样方法将有效地提高我们对稀有物种分布的了解,有利于野生动植物的保护规划。  相似文献   
Abstract In 1994, a 117-ha wetland was designed, constructed, and operated by the Tulare Lake Drainage District (TLDD), California, USA, to provide foraging and nesting habitat for American avocets (Recurvirostra americana) and black-necked stilts (Himantopus mexicanus). The wetland was operated seasonally in compliance with regulatory requirements to compensate for impacts to stilts, avocets, and other wildlife exposed to elevated selenium concentrations, fluctuating water levels resulting in nest flooding, and high nest-predation rates at the TLDD agricultural drainage evaporation basins. Water supply for the wetland was from low-selenium (typically <2 μg/L) saline agricultural drainage water, although the facility also had capability to blend and use freshwater and saline supplies. Coincident with wetland construction, 2 evaporation basins totaling 1,174 ha were physically modified and operated to discourage their use by shorebirds. In the first year of wetland operation (1995), American avocet and black-necked stilt nest construction at the wetland was 17.6 nests/ha. This compares to a preproject (1994) combined density of 1.9 nests/ha at the evaporation basins. From 1995 through 2004, annual nesting attempts by American avocets and black-necked stilts at the wetland averaged 2,896 per year (24.8 nests/ha). American avocets and black-necked stilts represented 91% of the nests observed at the wetland. Over the 10-year monitoring period, nest success at the wetland averaged 82% for American avocets and 75% for black-necked stilts. We estimated nest predation rates at the constructed wetland to be <1%. During the same period, American avocet and black-necked stilt nesting at the evaporation basins declined from 2,266 in 1994 to 9 in 2004. The constructed wetland has proven to be effective in attracting and providing suitable nesting habitat for large numbers of avocets and stilts. Results of this long-term study confirm the validity of management recommendations for American avocets and black-necked stilts and suggest that agricultural drainage can be successfully managed to provide highly productive managed wetlands.  相似文献   
扎龙湿地白枕鹤孵化期觅食生境选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2002—2008年4—5月,采用定点观察、GPS定位、样方调查和因子分析等方法,研究了扎龙湿地白枕鹤孵化期对觅食生境的选择.结果表明:在孵化期,研究区白枕鹤的觅食生境类型主要为芦苇沼泽(74.36%),觅食生境的选择以标识因素和能量因素为主,其次是可觅性因素、安全距离因素和隐蔽因素;扎龙湿地白枕鹤孵化期的觅食生境类型多样化,以湿地(芦苇沼泽)为主,兼含陆地(农田);白枕鹤孵化期的觅食生境包括生境标识、食物、水和隐蔽物四大要素,其对觅食生境的选择分2个层次(大生境层次和小生境层次)3个过程(觅食生境类型选择、觅食区选择、觅食微生境选择).  相似文献   
选取扎龙保护区Landsat TM及Envisat ASAR双极化(HH/HV)两种遥感数据源,利用丹顶鹤巢址GPS位点数据(n=28),在8个尺度(30~240 m)下,采用二元Logistic回归建立丹顶鹤繁殖栖息地选择模型,从而确定不同尺度下栖息地选择关键影响因子;并通过对比两种遥感影像数据模型,探讨了雷达影像在不同尺度下对模型预测能力的影响.结果表明: 两种数据集的回归模型总体精度均较理想(≥69.0%).在30 m尺度下,TM数据集模型中仅穗帽变换绿度分量(TCA_2)以系数为负值进入模型,表明该尺度下丹顶鹤避免选择植被密度较高的芦苇沼泽;60~120 m尺度下,两种数据集模型的主成分变换中第二主成分(PCA_2)系数均为正值,表明该尺度下丹顶鹤对植被覆盖度和长势要求较高,有利于增强其隐蔽性;90 m尺度交叉极化(HV)的后向散射系数信息进入混合模型,表明该尺度下水分条件是丹顶鹤栖息地选择的重要因子;>120 m尺度下,两种数据源的纹理信息开始进入模型,说明较大尺度下丹顶鹤栖息地选择对植被特性的要求降低,而对人为干扰因子的敏感度增强.在不同尺度的混合模型中,ASAR变量的纳入均显著提高了模型的预测精度.  相似文献   
Nebraska's Central Platte River Valley (CPRV) is a major spring-staging area for migratory birds. Over 6 million ducks, geese, and sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) stage there en route to tundra, boreal forest, and prairie breeding habitats, storing nutrients for migration and reproduction by consuming primarily corn remaining in fields after harvest (hereafter residual corn). In springs 2005–2007, we measured residual corn density in randomly selected harvested cornfields during early (n = 188) and late migration (n = 143) periods. We estimated the mean density of residual corn for the CPRV and examined the influence of agricultural practices (post-harvest field management) and migration period on residual corn density. During the early migration period, residual corn density was greater in idle harvested fields than any other treatments of fields (42%, 48%, 53%, and 92% more than grazed, grazed and mulched, mulched, and tilled fields, respectively). Depletion of residual corn from early to late migration did not differ among post-harvest treatments but was greatest during the year when overall corn density was lowest (2006). Geometric mean early-migration residual corn density for the CPRV in 2005–2007 (42.4 kg/ha; 95% CI = 35.2–51.5 kg/ha) was markedly lower than previously published estimates, indicating that there has been a decrease in abundance of residual corn available to waterfowl during spring staging. Increases in harvest efficiency have been implicated as a cause for decreasing corn densities since the 1970s. However, our data show that post-harvest management of cornfields also can substantially influence the density of residual corn remaining in fields during spring migration. Thus, managers may be able to influence abundance of high-energy foods for spring-staging migratory birds in the CPRV through programs that influence post-harvest management of cornfields. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Foraging behaviour of the black-necked stork (BNS) Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus was studied in 1996 and 1997 in Dudwa National Park (DNP), Uttar Pradesh, India. The storks were observed using tactile and visual techniques to catch fish. Of the 929 fish seen caught in 2 years, 894 (96%) were caught by a tactile mode of feeding and the remaining 35 (4%) by a visual mode of feeding. The rate of foraging attempts by BNS fluctuates with that of season in DNP and coincides with prey abundance. Immediately after the monsoon when the water level was high, BNS had to search for prey more often, as the prey became widespread. Whereas in summer when the water level decreased, the concentration of the fish was higher, which helps BNS to catch fish in quick succession. Prey behaviour and the condition of the wetland determined the selection of the tactile foraging technique among the BNS in DNP. The black-necked storks were more successful in the early hours of the day (06:00–10:00) and they were generally more successful or preferred to feed on medium-sized fish (i.e. 5–10 cm) in DNP. Prey profitability was highest for larger size fish and decreased as the prey size decreased. Principal component analysis showed that prey size, handling time of each prey, the month and water depth determined foraging success in 1996 and 1997.  相似文献   
杨志宏  邹红菲  高忠燕  郭立业  徐慧 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4408-4415
动物主要通过摄入食物和获得食物中的能量来维持其正常的生命活动。为论证食物获得性对冬季丹顶鹤能量收支的影响及为其越冬保护提供科学依据,以扎龙自然保护区人工辅助繁育丹顶鹤为研究对象,对分别供给鲫鱼、玉米和混合(鲫鱼+玉米)饲喂3组丹顶鹤的能量收支、体重及其行为变化进行比较。结果发现,丹顶鹤的能量收支受食物可获得性差异影响,鲫鱼、混合饲喂和玉米3组丹顶鹤的能量收支及排泄次数依次降低,玉米组丹顶鹤的体重降低显著(P0.01)及其行为谱中的静息时间分配明显增加。食物的可选择性、环境低温和短光照的交互作用使丹顶鹤的可摄食时间受限,丹顶鹤的能量收支随之发生变化。分析结果表明扎龙保护区冬季每日定时、定量供给鲫鱼和足量供给玉米的饲喂丹顶鹤的方法较为合理。  相似文献   
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